Kay Arne
2012-2014: Master in fine arts, Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen
2008-2011: Bachelor in printmaking, Kunsthøgskolen i Bergen, grafikk
2006-2008: Kunstskolen i Bergen
2022: Solo exhibition at Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum
2021: Solo exhibition at Kunstgarasjen
2020:Invited Artist at the Bodø Bienale
2020: Solo exhibition at Bryne Kunstforening
Solo/duo Exhibition
2019: Solo exhibition at Fruit Exhibiton, Art book fair, Bologna, Italy
2019: Solo exhibition at Østfold Kunstsenter
2019:Solo exhibition at Haugesund Kunstforening
2018: Solo exhibition at Galleri Ask, Horten
2017: All Is Lost, Solo exhibition/book launch at Pamflett, Bergen
2017: Alt er Like Nært, Solo exhibition at Felt in Bergen
2017: Duo exhibition with AageLanghelle, LørenskogKunstforening
2016:Duo exhibiotion with AageLanghelle, Prinz Georg, Berlin
2016: Isometric Structures, GalleriPuls, Norheimsund
2016: Nokre dagar er bedre å tilbringe bak lukka gardiner,Nobel Bopel Bergen
2015: New Isometric structures,Tag-Team, Bergen
2013: White rooms and cityscapes, Tegneforbundet, Oslo
2012: Life on fire,with Miriam Ekeholt. CirculationsCentralen, Malmø, Sweden
2010: We came this far together, but now we must part ,Gallerifisk, Bergen
Group Exhibitions/projects
2019: Participating at Bergen Artbook Fair
2019: Participating at Bastard Artbook Fair, Lillehammer
2018: Cold Current, Gruppeutstilling, Torino, Italy
2018: Solo exhibition/artist presentation at Tegnerforbundet, Oslo
2018: Participating at Bergen Artbook Fair
2018: Documented Humans, at724 N Washington St Alexandria. Washington
2018: Det Felles Eide, KunstnereneshusGruppeutstilling, Oslo
2018:ANI.Video Art group exhibition at Oslo Prosjektrom
2017: Participating at Bergen Art Book Fair
2017: Participating at Norway meets China in a Bookshelf, Art book Fair at Meridian Space, Beijing.
2017: Invited Artist to Oppland Artbook Fair, Bastard
2017: Group exhibition at Kunstgarasjen, Bergen.
2016: Group exhibition at ZwitscherMaschine, Berlin
2016: Byen, Kunstmueet KUBE, Ålesund
2016: B-OPEN, videoscreening, Bergen.
2016: Group Show, Kunstforum release at Lynx, Oslo
2016: Platons Huskestue, Tegnerforbundet. Oslo.
2015: LOOP –A Video Art Marathon, Galleri CC, Malmø, Sweden.
2015: Hardbakka Ruin Project, Bergen.
2015: If on a winters night, a Room, Bergen.
2015: 2015 4th Anniversary Show, NOoSPHERE Arts, New York, USA.
2014: Ung. Lovende, Galleri F15, Moss.
2014: TULCA - Galway Visual Arts Festival.Galway, Ireland.
2014: MEAGHEA SKKLL rKGM MAH TNCA. Master exhibition, Bergen Kunsthall.
2013: 5X5X15 Diem Media Project. Aarhus,Denmark
2012: Statens 125. Kunstutstilling, Høstutstillingen. Oslo.
2012: Dark Sun, FUKT group show.Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo.
2012: New since last meeting, MA1 exhibition, Premiss, Bergen.
2011: When all is said and done, avgangsutstilling, BA. Tag-team studio, Bergen.
2011: Moving Stills, utvekslingsutstilling, Bristol, England.
2010: From Bergen with love, GrafiskaselskapetsGalleri, Stockholm, Sweden.
2010: One in a million, Rom 8 Vaskerelven, Bergen.
2010: The 6th International Lithographic Symposium,Tidaholm, Sweden.
2009: Den siste time, ØstreSkostredet, Bergen.
Publications/ Art books
2018: It Is What It Is, artist zine. Edition of 50.
2017: All Is Lost, artist book. Edition of 500. (Self published)
2017: Blokk Anthology ‘Byrjing’ (Oslo), Contributing artist
2016: Trist, artist zine. Edition of 50.
2016: It Always Rains in July, Risoprinted artist zine, edtion of 50 (Launched at Tokyo artbookfair,
2016 in collaboration with Bergen Zine).
2015: Walkthrough, Artist book. Edition of 500 (Self published)
2015: It doesn’t Always Get Better, Artist zine. Edition of 100
2015: Contributed work to Arkitektnytt
2015: Contributed work to Transport Comic by Bergen based publisher Tur-nips
2014: I Drink Alone. Artist zine. Edition of 100
2014: Broken Telephone nr.2. Oslo. Contributing artist
2013: ENO nr 12. Contributing artist
2011: There Is Only Black, Artist zine, Edition of 1.
2011: FUKT MAGAZINE nr 10. Berlin. Contributing artist
2010: Mopp nr. 3. Fanzine I Oslo. Contributing Artist
BKFH (BildendeKunstneresForening Hordaland)
Tegnerforbundet (The Drawing Art Association of Norway)
Norske Billedkunstnere (The National Organization for Visual Artists in Norway)
Commisioned Work
2016/17: Amalie Skram VGS, 3 Walldrawings
Oslo Kommune
Winner FID Prize 2017, International drawing competition Paris
Årets kunst vinner 2015 – Natt & Dag
Diplom, Åpen klasse – Årets Vakreste Bøker 2016, Grafill
2019:Project Support , Bergen Kommune
2019:Regional Project support, NBK
2019: Project Support, Norske Billedkunstnere
2018: Workgrant, Illustrasjonsfondet
2018: Municipal grant, Kulturrådet
2017:Project support, Norske Billedkunstnere
2017:Project support, Bergen Kommune
2017: One year work grant, BKV
2016:Exhibition grant ‘Isometric Structures’, Norheimsund, Kulturrådet
2016: One year work grant BKH
2015: Exhibition grant ‘New Isometric Structures’, Kulturrådet
2015: Exhibition grant for new established artist ‘New Isometric Structures’, Kulturrådet
2015:Work Grant, Illustrasjonsfondet
2014:Municipal grant, Kulturrådet
2013:Exhibition grant for new established artists ‘White Rooms And Cityscapes’, Kulturrådet
2012:Municipal grant, Kulturrådet
2017: Invited artist to Bergen Kunsthall`s artworkshop Mylder
2016: Kasserer, Isotop fellesatelier
2016-: Varastyremeldem, Kunstgarasjen
Contact Me
+47 99 31 85 05